Market share is divided mainly at bad times.
This is one of the few good things in times of crisis. And, of course, it is probably difficult for every company to take advantage of this opportunity.
“Good times”, “bad times” – everyone thinks something different. Once we go through good times, then bad times again. To this must be added that what is “good” for one can be “bad” for the other. Those quotation marks are probably in place.
The whole economy, whether global or national, is either growing, stagnating or declining. And the companies that make them up, too. It’s hard to know.
Evaluate the situation in which the company is just located may be useful for further procedure in the process of improvement in time of crisis.
We offer you as an inspiration design of areas for evaluation of the situation in the form of an mind map.

In bad times, it is usually saving more. What usually deals with the crisis and what does not are shown in the following two figures.

Financial distress is one of the most important signs that a company has problems. We present you with an example of measures in the form of a mind map for inspiration.

A few ideas for the implementation of selected projects are shown in the following figure.

A little different angle of view for the measures for bad times we offer in the following pictures.

All materials are provided only as assistance to the process of analysis, selection and implementation of measures in bad times of the company.
Every company experiences good and bad times. The strange thing is that at the same time, some companies may grow and others record a decline. And others benefit the most when most companies run into problems. In line with the motto: “The worse, the better.” For these companies, the ideal time for intensive improvement is in crisis. More information can be found in the sections METHODS – FOR “GOOD TIMES” and PROJECTS – FOR “GOOD TIMES”.
In any time and in every situation, the benefit is to improve, develop and enrich the company.
After evaluation of the situation and selection of measures, it is good to apply to creating a project to improve the corporate situation in accordance with the principles of project management.
As we know that the life of the company is taking place in the “up – down” cycles, the most important time is to find out in time that the period is beginning for the company. Everyone has already survived the improvement, therefore almost everyone.
You need to find specific measures just for your company.
Use our experience and capability for effective cooperation in difficult times and do not hesitate to contact us.