The mind map method for various purposes has proved its worth in our practice. For inspiration, we present the corporate strategy of our company ASCON I in the form of a mind map.

Experience shows that multiple views of the same thing can be very effective.

Our experience shows that the benefits of 10%, 20% and even 30% in the performance of the area or the company as a whole are real.

After the introduction interview, it is possible to continue the discussion on the idea of what, how and when it should be solved. Or it is possible e.g. accomplish personal coaching with the owner or the person responsible for development and improvement. Another alternative is to directly start solving a certain problem with the employee responsible for the area. It is important to respect the habits of a particular company and address the real needs.

A detailed description of the services provided can be found in the SERVICES section.

You can see the proposed topics for projects in the PROJECTS section.

However, it is important to start now.